In collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration, Hammerglass AB has produced a modern, electrical protective roof structure to cover overhead contact lines as a replacement for the old sheet-metal protective covers. The electrical protective shield is strength-calculated to allow for snow- and wind load and for the wind load from passing trains. The hard and smooth surface treatment of Hammerglass helps to ensure that dirt and dust are in most cases washed off the roof structure by the action of rain. The surface treatment also provides 99.96% UV protection, which means that the material will not cloud, discolour or undergo any other change in optical quality over time.

Protective shields save live
Around high-voltage and overhead contact lines the risk of electrical accidents involving serious personal injury is always imminent. The roof construction in unbreakable Hammerglass conforms to the electrical safety guidelines for electrical protective roof structures for installation on bridges over railway tracks. The design blends in with the surroundings, and at the same time it forms a solid barrier against live conductors.
- 12 mm Hammerglass mounted on a system of angled posts bolted to the side of the bridge edge girder
- Solid barrier against live conductors
- Watertight and tamper-proof
- Strength-calculated to allow for snow- and wind load and wind load from trains
- Satisfies the requirements for noise barriers laid down in the CE standard EN-14388
- Execution class EXC2 or EXC3
- Can be mounted as splash guards at road junctions

Max width Hammerglass Max height Hammerglass Thickness Hammerglass panels |
2000 mm 2000 mm 12 mm |
Product dimensions HFRHS Product dimensions U profile |
120x120x8 44x26x4 |
Working width of road barrier |
1000 mm |
Fixing method | Based on conditions |
Design and installation
The protective roof construction consists of 12 mm Hammerglass mounted on a system of angled posts bolted to the side of the bridge edge girder. On bridge renovation or in newbuild projects the angled post is installed with base plate beneath the balustrade upright. The roof structure is fatigue-calculated by simulation of the snow- and wind load and the wind load from passing trains, and furthermore satisfies the requirements for noise barriers laid down in the CE standard EN-14388. The solution is watertight and tamper-proof and can be manufactured in execution class EXC2 or EXC3. We are able to undertake complete contracts from dismantling of existing protective structures to the installation of a new electrical protective roof in Hammerglass. Our designers provide finished drawings with fixing solutions in the form of dwg-files.